Two roads diverged in the wood, I took the one less travelled by,
and that has made all the difference. “Robert Frost”
Innovation is the outcome of creativity process. In other terms, innovation is the process of developing creative idea so that it can be put to practical use.
Blocks which prohibit the creative out flow for Innovation:
Fears, perfectionism, Jealousy, anxiety, negative self-concept, uncertainty, lack of assertiveness and persistency are some of the blocks that prohibit free flow of creative process of innovation.
Techniques for overcoming the blocks and facilitating innovation:
Brain storming, reverse brain storming, visualization, positive imagination, Neurolinguistic programming, Lateral thinking, divergent thinking, Association with positive and creative person etc. are few technique which help to overcome the mental, physical, social and environmental blocks which create obstacles for creativity and thus innovations.
Design of Innovation – Role of subconscious mind:
It involves divergent thinking, creativity, brainstorming, search for alternatives etc. The subconscious mind plays a very important role in design of innovation. It has got 90% of Human mental faculty. It plays a vital role in shaping the individuals personality. The aim of Innovation clubs is to ignite young minds students who are having a powerful resource. This resource is mightier than any resource on the earth, in the sky and under the sea.
Proposed Activities
Students from the various branches with their coordinators will form the groups.
They will generate their ideas and implement them into real application oriented product.
More and more application based projects.
Virtual labs.
Surface computing
Remote desktop computer
Online blood donation management system
Innovative project based on Novelty – Inventiveness and application.
To encourage our students about Innovation, It is necessary to scout, support, spawn and scale up the grass root Innovation.