Discipline and Code of Conduct |
Discipline is synonymous of the Dronacharyan tradition. Every care is taken to maintain an ideal discipline and to make it a primary part of our work culture. We believe that nothing substanative can be achieved without a true spirit of discipline. Our academic environment is nurtured on discipline. This happens to be the fore-most trait to enable us to impart quality education and to produce meritorious results. The entire code of conduct requires absolute sense of obedience and subordination to the Department Head and the Faculty concerned. However, any act of indiscipline, misconduct or irresponsible behaviour will invite strict disciplinary action, including expulsion from the Institute. |
Dress Code |
Grey Shirt & Black Trouser OR Sky Blue Shirt & Navy Blue Trouser with Formal Shoes. |
The College follows a dress code for all students of B.Tech & M.Tech course on all official occasions such as Seminars/ Workshops / Industrial Visits/ Placement activities /Guest Lectures, etc. |
On all such occasions, it is mandatory for students to abide by the dress code, the cost of which is to be borne by the students themselves. |
Attendance |
75 % Attendance is compulsory both in Lectures and Tutorials as per the University norms. Students falling short of the requisite attendance are detained from the Semester Exams. |
Lab Instructions |
Each student will sign in the register while entering and leaving the lab, workshop. |
Personal floppy/CD may be allowed on permission from the lab-In charge.
Lab-coat is compulsory for Chemistry-lab and Workshop. |
Chemicals, gas and instruments should be handled with care. Any damage done will be recovered by the concerned student. |
Students will have tool-kits, lab coat, instrument box, drafter, laptop of their own. |
Library Rules |
Library card will be issued to all the students by the Librarian. Students will show his/her admission receipt in the library to get his/her library membership form. Filled up form will be deposited with the Librarian within three days. Two color photographs should also be attached. |
A student with a Membership Library Card is entitled to draw books from the Library and is personally responsible for the books so taken by him/her. |
Personal belongings are not allowed and may be kept at the counter provided at the entrance of the Library. |
Use of mobile is strictly prohibited inside the Library. |
Notice Board |
Kindly advise your ward to take note of all notices displayed on the Notice Board for information and compliance. Failure to read the notices displayed will not be accepted as an excuse for its non-compliance. Students must also visit the college web-site, www.dronacharya.info, from time to time and take note of all the information and circulars. |
Scholarships |
Financial Support to wining projects by the college: |
Project that wins the First Place Globally will be awarded Rupees Fifty Thousand. |
Project that wins the Second Place Globally will be awarded Rupees Twenty Five Thousand. |
Project that wins the First Place at National Level will be awarded Rupees Twenty Five Thousand |
Project that wins the Second Place at National Level will be awarded Rupees Ten Thousand. |
In order to encourage students to participate at different platforms for project competitions and paper presentations, following criteria has been framed for the reimbursement of expenses incurred by the students: |
Prior approval from concerned authorities - (HOD and Principal) is a MUST for participation |
Eligibility Criteria: |
Travel Expense : AC III Tier Train Fare or any other mode of transport, whichever is lesser.
(From Delhi to Nearest Railway Station of Venue and back)
Stay : Rs.500.00 (Rupees Five Hundred) per night
(Day/s of event and Max. 1 day prior to the event)
Food : Rs.200.00 (Rupees Two Hundred) per day
(Day/s of event and Max. 1 day prior to the event) |
1st Prize Winners: 100% as per detail above.
2nd & 3rd Prize Winners: 50% as per detail above.
No reimbursement shall be given for consolation prize and mere participation.
Faculty members accompanying students on above mentioned trips shall be reimbursed total expenditure. |
International Travel for Research Paper Presentation |
The first student and first faculty from the department in an Academic Year, who attends an international conference of repute abroad, for presenting their research paper shall be awarded Rs.25,000.00 (Rupees Twenty Five Thousand Only) as motivation and incentive. |