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Microsoft TechVista’2014


On 24th January 2014, Shiva Sharma and Sushant Rajliwal Students of Electronics & Communication Engineering from Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon attended one day symposium – Microsoft TechVista’2014 in Jaipur, Rajasthan, India. TechVista is Microsoft Research India's annual research symposium. It brings together the best minds from the scientific and academic worlds onto a common platform. TechVista provides an opportunity for the research community, government, and students to interact and exchange ideas on research and its future directions.


The symposium featured a number of globally recognized leaders in research. These included:

1. Peter Lee, Corporate Vice President, Head of Microsoft Research

2. Jeannette Wing, Corporate Vice President, Microsoft Research

3. Chris Bishop, Distinguished Scientist, Microsoft Research Cambridge

4. Hsiao-Wuen Hon, Managing Director, Microsoft Research Asia

5. Curtis Wong, Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research

6. P. Anandan, Distinguished Scientist and Managing Director, Microsoft Research India

7. Bill Thies, Researcher, Microsoft Research India


The symposium was opened with a talk by Mr. Peter Lee, Corporate Vice President, Head of Microsoft Research. He spoke about “The importance of Basic Computing Research”& talked about how at Microsoft Research, people actively seek out surprising outcomes, by building a pipeline that connects long-term, blue-sky research to technological innovations. His talk provided a glimpse into specific research projects that have significant impact on many areas of computing.


The event was concluded with a talk by Mr. P. Anandan on “The Excitement of a Career in Research”. He talked how as a researcher, one enjoys a lifetime of exploration in the realm of ideas. He explained how one becomes a researcher in Computer Science, by tracing his own career and others at Microsoft Research. He concluded his talk and the event by discussing some of the main personality traits and skills needed to become a successful researcher.

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