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Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur organized A two-week ISTE workshop on “Signals and Systems” from 2nd to 12th January, 2014 at Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon. The Workshop was conducted under National Mission on Education through ICT sponsored by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India . The objective of this workshop was to enhance the teaching skills of faculty in core Engineering and Science subjects. The workshop was made online available across the Nation through 237 remote nodal centers in which more than 9000 faculty participated.


During the inauguration ceremony the eminent academicians Prof.O.P. Sha, Dean, Continuing Education, IIT Kharagpur; Prof. V.M. Gadre (Teaching Faculty) Department of EEE, IIT Bombay; Prof. Somnath Sengupta (Project Coordinator) Dept. of EEE, IIT Kharagpur shared the advantages of this workshop.


Prof. V.M. Gadre from IIT Bombay delivered a lecture on “Introduction to Signals and Systems” wherein he covered the relevant technical topics like Fourier Transform, Linear convolution,Wavelets etc Discussing on various types and properties of system like Causal/Non-Causal/Anti-Causal, Linear/Non-Linear, Shift Invariant/Variant, Homogenous/Non-homogenous, Additive/Non-Additive and Homogenous/Non-homogenous, Professor Gadremade the attendees understand the concepts of convolution, Fourier transform and its properties. He also introduced a new learning technique “Think Pair and Share” which was very much beneficial to the faculty members.


Prof. Somnath Sengupta from IIT Kharagpur spoke on Z- transform, Laplace, Scilab etc. He explained the Laplace Transform, significance of Region of Convergence (ROC), Time-Scaling, Shifting, Linearity, Conjugation, Convolution, Differentiation in time domain and frequency domain, Initial and Final value theorem etc. Prof. Somnath Sengupta discussed the theory of sampling which is used in digital signal processing.


Mr. Praveen Prakash (IAS) from MHRD, New Delhi also addressed the participants and shared the future plans of the Ministry to conduct more such workshops for the enhancement of quality technical education in India.


The workshop was useful as all the participants gained additional knowledge of the subject and also succeeded in enhancing their teaching skills through MOOCs methodology and ICT. It also provided an opportunity to interact with the experts and have practical hands-on different technologies. The workshopwas concluded with a vote of thanks by Dr. D. B. Phatak, IIT Bombay who also delivered an inspirational talk on “Role of Teachers in Academics and in the Field of Research”.



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