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Robotics Club at the Department of Electronics and Computer Engineering organized a two-day I- Robotics Workshop in association with Robosapiens India from 29th to 30th March, 2012. The aim of this workshop was to exchange knowledge in the field of Robotics and utilize the expertise developed to actually fabricate new models utilizing diverse disciplines as machine design, control theory, microcontroller, artificial intelligence and mechanical gadgets. More than 50 students participated in this workshop which encompassed basics of electronics, sensors, motors, and microcontrollers and embedded C programming etc. The students were formed into groups and each group practically did a project on different applications of Robotics. The students enthusiastically participated in the workshop which culminated with project competition between various groups. Recent advancements in the field of Robotics were also covered during the workshop.

The workshop had been a complete success. It ended with a vote of thanks by the convener, Mrs Dimple Saproo, Associate Professor, Deptt. of ECE. She expressed her heart-felt gratitude to the Principal Prof. (Dr.) B. M. K. Prasad, Head of the Department, Prof. (Dr.) H. S. Dua and participants for making the workshop useful.

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