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IIEEE: “Talk by Dr. Jay Giri”



IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), Delhi Chapter organized a “Talk by Dr. Jay Giri”, on September 17, 2014 at NLDC. Two students Vishal Sharma (14126), and Nishant Narula (14123) from CSE 7th semester attended the lecture.

Dr. Giri is Director of Power Systems Technology and Strategic Initiatives at Alstom Grid’s NMS business in Redmond, Washington. He leads a team of power system engineers who deliver market applications and synchrophasor/ phasor measurement unit (PMU) applications to control centers. He is a liaison for university research activities and an affiliate professor at the University of Washington. In 1978, Dr. Giri and 11 other engineers co-founded Energy System Computer Applications (ESCA). In 2010, ESCA became part of Alstom Grid (then Cegelec). Dr. Giri designed and implemented the original software for the ESCA automatic generation control (AGC) and dispatcher training simulator (DTS) power system simulation functions. Today the Alstom AGC controls over 50% of North American generation as well as generation in many other countries, and the Alstom DTS is one of the predominant simulators used by control centers worldwide. He has a PhD from Clarkson University in New York and a B.Tech from the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Madras. In 2002, he was elected IEEE Fellow: “For contributions to the design and implementation of power system control centres” and is a member of the IEEE Power & Energy Society (PES) Governing Board. He is an Alstom Grid Senior Fellow.


The main focus of lecture was to highlight the EMS (Energy Management System) history and its evolution. Energy Management Systems (EMS) have been deployed for decades at utility control centers to monitor and manage the electricity grid in real-time. Today these EMS capabilities are poised to be enhanced quite dramatically with growth of synchrophasor PMU measurements.

The first part of his presentation focus on the overview of the power grid, EMS-genesis & evolution, EMS trends today. The basic supply chain of electric system begins with generation to transmission. Electrification topped in the greatest engineering achievement of 20th century followed by automobile at second and airplane at third. The power grid is one of the Most Complex & Immense, ‘7 x 24 must run”, engineering machines in existence today. Today, the Indian power system is one of the largest synchronous grid in the world. He discussed the challenges faced, major source of grid vulnerability.

The second part includes the synchrophasor benefits for EMS Grid operations, practical deployments of synchrophasors, the India synchrophasor project, evolution towards a smarter grid.

It was a scholarly experience for all the attendees giving them the opportunity to gain a lot of knowledge on the topic. Dr. Neelesh B. Mehta shared his knowledge with various researchers and students from across the country. It was a very interactive session where sir held a Q&A round taking all the queries of the attendees at the end of the lecture.

Some Glimpse




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