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Events & Seminars

Industrial Visit to Sandhar Automotives
14th August 2015

Mrs. Poonam Yadav, Assistant Professor along with 47 students from Information Technology and Electronics and Computer Engineering Department of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon visited Sandhar Automotives in Gurgaon on 14th August 2015. The visit was organized by the ISTE Student Chapter of the College to give the students a glimpse and understanding of live demonstrations of automotive locks and two wheeler mirrors manufacturing.


The session started with the welcome address by the Sandhar Automotives team after which the students were divided into three groups with one mentor each. Mr. Puneet Gaur (Manager, Sandhar Automotives), Mr. Rohit Kapoor (Senior Engineer, Sandhar Automotives) and Mr. Sushil Kumar (Senior Engineer, Sandhar Automotives) led each of the groups.


Mr. Puneet Gaur gave a glimpse of the milestones of the company stating that it started its journey in 1988 with Sheet Metal Stamping. Today the company has more than thirty branches all over the world collaborating with many foreign companies. The plant is located in Gurgaon and it manufactures ignition & steering locks, ignition switches, door handles, fuel filler caps, latches, hinges. It has a technical tie up with Honda Lock Manufacturing Company Limited, Japan and supplies lock sets for all Honda two wheelers.


Mr. Rahul (Senior Engineer, Sandhar Automotives) discussed about VSME (Very Small and Micro Enterprise). He highlighted about the working and principles of the company. The visit concluded with a feedback session by Mr. V. Shrinivasan (Operation Head, Sandhar Automotives) who motivated the students to understand the practical aspects of learning and asserted the importance of such visits in a student’s life.


The visit was very knowledgeable and the students got the opportunity to see live demonstrations of locking system in two wheelers. The officials from Sandhar Automotives motivated the students to come up with new and innovative ideas to satisfy the changing needs of customers and encouraged them by extending their support.


Some glimpses from the visit:

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