Event and Seminars



IEEE Women in Engineering Student Branch of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon was inaugurated on 11th August, 2014.


Mr. Ravindra Joshi, DGM, Head of Group, Special Consumer Group Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited and Joint Secretary IEEE Delhi Section graced the occasion as the Chief Guest and inaugurated the Chapter. Prof. (Dr) H.S Dua, HOD, Electronics and Communication Engineering, DCE welcomed the guests.


Prof. (Dr) M.N Hussain, Principal, DCE, Gurgaon addressed the inaugural session with his welcome speech. He encouraged the faculties and students to become active members of IEEE-WIE. He urged them to participate in different programs conducted under the ageis of IEEE, Delhi Section.


Mr. Ravindra Joshi in his inspiring inaugural speech explained the various benefits and opportunities for women in technical field. He lamented the low percentage (less than 10 per cent) of women working in academic positions in engineering relative to the overall percentage of women receiving Engineering Doctorates. He elaborated on a broad framework to be developed to analyze Engineering studies systems. He also spoke of the role of women in various fields & challenges women have to face while balancing career and home. He spoke about IEEE-WIE and the role of Self- Introspection in our life.


The mission of IEEE WIE is to facilitate the global recruitment and retention of women in technical disciplines. IEEE Women in Engineering (WIE) recognize women's outstanding achievements in Electrical and Electronics Engineering through IEEE Awards nominations. Advocate women in leadership roles in IEEE governance and career advancement for women in the profession and Provide assistance with the formation of new WIE Affinity Groups and support ongoing activities. IEEE WIE facilitates the development of programs and activities that promote the entry into and retention of women in engineering programs they also promote IEEE member grade advancement for women to the membership grades of senior member and Fellow.


The inaugural ceremony came to an end with Vote of Thanks by Prof. A.N Mahajan, Electronics & Communication Engineering Dept. She thanked the dignitaries for gracing the occasion by their benign presence.

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