IEEE Delhi section organized a two day workshop on Android Application Development at Northern India Engineering College (NIEC), New Delhi on 7th & 8th November 2015. Student members from all colleges in Delhi Section attended the event. Four students Amit Mittal, Mukul Dev Singh, Sandeep Kundu and Somdev Kundu from EEE Department of Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon attended the App Dev Workshop. The workshop concentrated on Basic App designing and Wireless (Bluetooth) controlled Projects.
The objective of the workshop was to:
1. Help the Students learn Android App development without any prior coding background, C++ or Java skills.
2. Android app development using eclipse studio development kit.
Mr. Gaurav Verma , Branch counselor, IEEE, NIEC after the inauguration the workshop introduced the participants to the course modules. He said that with the advent of technology, this Workshop which focused on student retention among student members as part of IEEE India Strategic Initiative Student Retention Project.
Mr. Tushar Varshney, Developer (Web team) at IEEE-Delhi Section was the keynote speaker. He familiarized the audience with the need of android app development.
Day One:
Mr. Varshney started the session by explaining on installation of software eclipse SDK with ADT bundle. The learning process began with the students installing the required software packages supporting different operating systems. As a first step students were guided to make command buttons and uploading background pictures for their apps.
Mr. Varshney said that by further explorations of the android application development students can fetch better outcomes and can easily become an expert in app development.
He then introduced the concept of ‘Sensoduino’ app available on Google Playstore and taught how to interface Arduino UNO to an android application to make it work with Physical objects around.
On the first day participants tried their hand on making basic applications without sufficient java programming knowledge and this gave them a confidence on app development.
Day Two:
The First session commenced with lecture on Web View and Scroll View. These gives access to a link over a web page and to scroll the pages in an application respectively. Mr. Varshney then discussed on
1. Splash Screens
2. Insertion of mp3 track in an application
The session ends on API Real Time Notifications, which is an indispensable part of commercial applications like for any e-commerce site.
In this session participants not only learned to develop the apps but also how to upload them on Google Playstore.
In the next session Mr. Shamik Ghosh, Business Editor, Telematics Wire discussed on the topic ‘Life Appified’. He shared his vision on the use of android applications and a movement that it has created in the commercial world. He also gave Statistics related to the dominance of Android compared to the iOS and other application development platforms.
Vivek Goyal, Chairperson, IEEE - NIEC marked the concluding session of the event. The participants created around 60 working apps at the end of workshop which were later uploaded on the Playstore account of IEEE DELHI SECTION. Certificate of participation was then distributed among the students.
It was a very enriching, knowledgeable as well as fun filled event.