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Employability Skills through Life Skill Approache Events 2015

Training of Trainers Program on “Employability Skills through Life Skill Approaches”

19th to 23rd May 2015


Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth Development (RGNIYD), Regional Centre, Chandigarh organized Training of Trainers Program on “Employability Skills through Life Skill Approaches” from 19th May to 23rd May 2015. Ms. Rita Yadav, Associate Professor, Department of Applied Science & Humanities, Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon attended the program. Many prominent speakers addressed the attendees during the program.


Dr. Gunmala Suri, Professor UBS Chandigarh delivered lectured on “The Johri Window: Understanding self”. It is a simple and useful tool for self-awareness, personal development, improving communications, interpersonal relationships, group dynamics, team development and intergroup relationships. ‘Self' means oneself, i.e., the person subject to the Johari Window, 'Others' are people in the team. He said that there are actually 4 regions:

1. Open area or open self where the person knows about traits of him/herself and is also known by others

2. Blind area or blind self where traits are unknown by the person about him/herself but which others know

3. Hidden area or hidden self that the person knows about him/herself that others do not know

4. Unknown area or unknown self are those traits that the person is unknown about him/herself and is also unknown by others


Dr. Vikram Joshi spoke on “Understanding Youth Challenges in the field of Employment”. The changing structure of the labor market, the increasing use of recruitment channels and the disadvantages faced by young people due to the growing value employers place on work experience are the challenges faced by today’s young generation. He discussed about overcoming these issues by the aspirants and continues with their positive attitude.


Dr. C.M. Sharma talked on “Understanding Workplace Expectation: Business Etiquette”. Workplace etiquette is an essential thing to keep in mind as having good etiquette will improve relationships with your co-workers and seniors. The standards for etiquette vary across industries so it is important to get a feel for what is expected from the employee. He said that one should communicate if there is a problem with co-workers or seniors through appropriate channels so that there aren’t larger issues later. It is important to always be respectful and cooperative with the people of the organization.


Dr. Harpreet Chhabra lectured on “Active Listening.” Listening is a unique quality that does not appear in the job description. Those who do listen to their coworkers and seniors are in a much better position to lead the increasingly diverse and multigenerational workforce. The “one-approach-fits-all” way of thinking has become outdated and those who embrace the high art of listening are destined to be the better, more compassionate employees.


Besides this there were talks on “Effective and Productive Communication” by Dr. Sanjay Wadwalkar, Effective communication is essential for any business or organization to prosper. It cuts out on wasted time and provides both customers and employees with the necessary tools to succeed and find satisfaction. When communication is not effective, the end result is an increase in production time and a decrease in the bottom line. Effective communication practices can help an organization avoid such an outcome.


“Time Management” by Dr. Arun Thakur was another important topic discussed. Time management may be aided by a range of skills, tools, and techniques used to manage time when accomplishing specific tasks, projects, and goals complying with a due date. Initially, time management referred to just business or work activities, but eventually the term broadened to include personal activities as well. A time management system is a designed combination of processes, tools, techniques, and methods. Time management is usually a necessity in any project development as it determines the project completion time and scope.


Ms. Deepa gave an interesting lecture on “Dear Stress: Let’s breakup.” Our modern life is so busy that stress tends to visit us every now and then. The secret to having a stress free life is to leave it. Being stressed is a choice; there are several ways to avoid it. If one can’t do anything about something, the best thing for you to do is accept it. Time management is very important, most stress are caused by poorly managed time. She advised to Do the right thing the very first time.


Dr. Sumedha Singh discussed on “Non-violent Communication.” Nonviolent or Compassionate Communication offers simple, effective communication skills training to transform workplace into a better place. Employees at all levels with effective interpersonal communication skills improve workplace morale, enhance meeting efficiency, bolster teamwork, resolve conflict resolution, and more.


Dr. Gugnani addressed the issue of “Personality Development”. Personality is the sum total of ways in which an individual reacts and interacts with others. Personality is generally defined as the deeply ingrained and relatively enduring patterns of thought, feeling and behavior. In fact, when one refers to personality, it generally implies to all what is unique about an individual, the characteristics that makes one stand out in a crowd. Dr. Gugnani stressed on the following:

1. Positive Leadership

2. Positive Attitude

3. Principles of Success

4. Self Confidence


Mr. D.P. Singh gave a lecture on “Growth with Harmony”. Personal growth and development are relevant to the workplace. Employers want employees who are learning and growing. People who become knowledgeable and adapt to their positions are more valuable than employees who remain stagnant. An ideal employee will be capable of handling and understanding more than one position, as this allows for greater flexibility within the organization.


The program was comprehensive, educational and highly informative towards developing self-confidence, general awareness and skill based education.



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