A number of dignitaries Mr. Manmohan S. Kohli, Chairman CII Chandigarh Council and CEO, Hotel Aroma, Chandigarh; Mr. Rajinder Guleria, Co-Chairman, Special Taskforce on Skills Education, CII Northern Region and Senior President (Operations) Grauer & Weil (India) Ltd; Mr. P. K. Verma, Director, HR & MS, Alchemist Ltd; Mrs. Gurpreet Sapra, Director, Technical Education, Chandigarh Administration; Mr. D’Graskar, Director NSIU; Mr. Avinash Pant, Vice Chairman, AICTE; Mr. Darpan Kapoor, Vice Chairman, CII Chandigarh Council and MD, Kapsons Fashions Pvt. Ltd.; Ms. Shalini Sharma, Head Higher Education, CII; Ms. Ilham Punjani, Busines Relations Manager, ACCA, India; Aditya Malik, Senior Partner, Lumia enlightened more than 150 attendees who came across the Nation.