Workshop for Coordinators on Signals and System |
Events 2014 |
Five-day ISTE Workshop for Coordinators on Signals and System |
Under the National Mission on Education through ICT (MHRD, India) |
during 30 Sep-4 Oct 13 Conducted at IIT Kharagpur |
A One Week Coordinators Workshop was organized by IIT Kharagpur on Signals and System from 30th Sep to 4th Oct, 2013. The Main Objectives of this workshop was to provide a complete orientation to the faculty members who will act as workshop Coordinators during the main workshop which would be held from 2nd - 12th Jan, 2014 under the project called “Empowerment of students& Teacher through Synchronous& Asynchronous instruction.” This initiative is part of the National Mission on Education through ICT, supported by MHRD, Govt. of India.
Mrs. Dimple Sproo, Associate Professor, Department of Electronics & Communications represented Dronacharya College of Engineering, Gurgaon. The programme commenced on 30th Sept, 13 with introductory speeches from following dignitaries. |
1. Prof. O.P. Sha (Dean, Continuing, Education),IIT Kharagpur
2. Prof. V.M. Gadre (Teaching Faculty) Department of Electronics & Electrical Engineering, IIT Bombay
3. Prof. P.P. Chakarwadi (Director), IIT Kharagpur
4. Prof. Somnath Sen gupta ( Project Coordinator) Dept. of E & EC Engineering, IIT Kharagpur
Prof.V. M.Gadre (IIT Bombay) delivered his lecture on introduction of “Signals and Systems”
where he covered the topics like Fourier Transform, Linear convolution, Wavelets in a simplified manner. Prof. Somnath Sen gupta from (IIT Kharagpur) delivered a lecture on Z- transform, Laplace etc. A new software (Scilab)was introduced. A few online quizzes were solved by the participants. Valedictory function was held on 4 Oct 2013where Dr. D. B. Phatak (IIT Bombay) gave a talk on “Role of Teachers in Academics and in the Field of Research”. |
The workshop morning session began with Lecture by Prof.V.M. Gadre of IIT Bombay highlighting the analytical approach of understanding Signals. Mr.V. M. Gadre gave the introduction of Signal and System to the participants. He also briefed on the significance of this subject not only in Electronics and Communication but also to various other streams of science like Mathematics, Physics and Electrical, Mechanical etc. He also discusses some analogy between the electric system and mechanical system with the help of examples. Professor also introduced various types of signals and their conversion with examples. In the post-lunch session, there was a lecture on continuous time and Discrete Time Linear shift variant system.
The morning session began at 09:30 AM with lecture on Vector/Linear Space Fourier Transformation &its Properties by Prof. V.M. Gadre. He covered “Fourier Series” in the afternoon session. Professor Gadre discussed various types of system and system characterization. He took up examples to elaborate system characterization to all participants. Professor Gadre also introduced LSI systems. He introduced new learning technique to the participants “Think Pair and Share”. In the think phase participants were asked to think a question and solve it. Then in pair phase, two participants were asked to share and discuss the question as well as its correctness. In share participants were asked to share and discuss all the questions and draw some conclusion. This ensured involvement of each and every participant in the learning process. He discussed about various system properties like Causal/Non-Causal/Anti-Causal, Linear/Non-Linear, Shift Invariant/Variant, Homogenous/Non-homogenous, Additive/Non-Additive and Homogenous/Non-homogenous. He also discussed about the convolution and its properties. We also had quiz on Clicker on Akash Tab. In the evening we had Interaction session to resolve the queries. Prof. V.M Gadre discussed Fourier transform and its properties. He also emphasized that transform method is very useful to transform the domain of the signal so that frequency as well as time analysis can be easily done. Properties of Fourier transform like Time shifting, Scaling, differentiation in frequency domain, Linearity, Time reversal and many more with the help of examples were also discussed. He also told us about the importance and significance of Fourier transform. Participants were introduced with Scilab which is simulation alternative to MATLAB software.
The first session was a lecture on “Laplace Transforms and Application of Laplace Transform” to system analysis by Prof. Somnath Sen gupta, Dept of E&EC Engineering, IIT Kharagpur. He discussed Laplace Transform and how it is better than Fourier transform and what is the importance and significance of Region of Convergence (ROC). Professor also discussed about the properties of Laplace Transform like Time-Scaling, Shifting, Linearity, Conjugation, Convolution, Differentiation in time domain and frequency domain, Initial and Final value theorem. He also told us that using Laplace Transform how we can determine whether a system is stable or not. The lecture was very informative and problems were also discussed during tutorial session
The evening session was continued by the same faculty. He gave a lecture on Z transform and its practical implementations on Filter Designing.
Prof. Somnath Sen gupta continued Z-Transform. He discussed various numerical examples of Z transform. He also picked up many queries. Quiz was also conducted on clicker on day 7 to check the understanding of participants on the topic
The Evening session was on Sampling of continuous signal Aliasing, by Prof. Somnath Sen gupta. He briefly elaborated the concept of sampling both for periodic as well as a periodic signal. He gave the Scilab assignment in afternoon session to all the participants and discussed research area which has application to signal & systems such as image processing, digital signal processing, Wireless Communication etc. Numerical problems were also discussed during tutorial session.
In the morning session, a new topic on transformation was introduced “Wavelet and its Transformation” by Prof. Somnath Sen gupta
The evening session was valedictory ceremony (Chief Guest Prof. O. P. Shahand Dr. D. B. Phatak) where the efforts being put in by IIT Bombay and IIT Kharagpur to make the NMEICT project a success were highlighted . Certificates were awarded to all 240 workshop coordinators from various colleges.
Prof. Somnath Sen gupta (Project Coordinator) briefed the coordinators about the Main Workshop to be held from 02 Jan 14 to 12 Jan 14. The workshop was very beneficial to all the participants and they gained additional knowledge of this subject and also succeeded in enhancing their teaching skills.